Step Away From the Big Box Store

Are you planning to update your home but feeling concerned about getting in over your head? 

In the video below, Studio Z’s interior designer, Dayna Tooman, explains how we can help you select products and finish materials for your project, even if you plan to buy the materials from a big box store and do the work yourself.

  • Learn how a professional interior designer can help you with your project. 

  • Discover how to avoid mismatching colors. Did you know that there are hundreds of “oil-rubbed bronze” colors, each slightly different depending on the manufacturer? 

  • Find out why you might need to hire a professional designer and what exactly they would do for you.

  • What are the pros and cons of renovating using materials from a big box store?

Are you interested in speaking with our team about your project idea? Contact us and schedule a 30-minute call to get your questions answered and discover what value Studio Z can provide your project.

Bryon McCartney

Architecture Marketing Expert. I help firms use branding & marketing to increase their visibility & grow their influence, so they can attract & win ideal clients and better projects.

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